Title: Hooway for Wodney Wat
Author: Helen Lester
Find it at the library: E LES
Miss Caitlin says:
Poor Rodney can’t pronounce his R’s. His classmates tease him about it all the time and it makes him very sad. When a big, mean, know-it-all named Camilla Capybara decides to bully the class, Rodney saves the day with a game of Simon Says.
The thing about you that’s different is the thing that makes you special. Rodney’s classmates may have been picking on him for the way he speaks, but they certainly weren’t laughing when he got rid of their bully once and for all. Sometimes, people are mean and that’s not okay; but, eventually, people will see you for what’s special about you and that’s fantastic. If you stick it out like Rodney, everything will be better in the end.